Mercedes M-Class W163

since 1997 release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes W163
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of a class M (W163)
+ Governing bodies and methods of safe operation
+ Current leaving and service
- Engine
   Check of compression pressure in cylinders
   Check of the engine by means of the vacuum gage
   Replacement of a belt of the drive of auxiliary units and elements of the mechanism of its tension
   - Petrol models
      Removal and installation of the engine
      Removal and installation of covers of the GRM drive
      Replacement of a gas-distributing chain
      Removal and installation of components of the GRM drive
      Installation of basic position of camshafts
      Verification of the basic provision of a balancing shaft (only series 112 engines)
      Removal and installation of the GRM components
      Removal and installation of a head(s) of cylinders
      Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline
      Removal and installation of a final collector
      Removal and installation of a face cover, replacement of a back epiploon of a bent shaft
      Removal and installation of a damper of tortional fluctuations / pulley of a driving belt
      Removal and installation of a flywheel / driving disk
      Removal and installation of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
      Service of the lubrication system
   + Diesel models
+ Cooling systems, heating and air conditioner
+ A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual box of gear shifting
+ Automatic transmission
+ Transmission line
+ Brake and auxiliary systems
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Торговля импортными сигаретами Акцизы Статьи Журнал.

Service of the lubrication system


Removal and installation of the pallet of a case

Details of installation of the pallet of a case of the engine of a series 111


  1. Details of installation of the pallet of a case on the engine of a series 111 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Merge motive oil (see the Head of the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases).
  3. Remove assembly of the fan of the cooling system with the viscous coupling (26).
  4. Otboltite from a partition of a motive compartment a broad tank (8) of the cooling system.
  5. Turn out bolts (9) of fastening of pillows of forward support of the power unit to a car frame (see the Section Removal and installation of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit).
  6. Hang out the engine on the winch.
  7. Disconnect an electrical wiring of the sensor of level of oil (S43).
  8. Turn out fixing bolts and remove the pallet of a case (56).
  9. Carefully smooth out the interfaced surfaces and install on the pallet new sealing laying (56a).
  10. Installation is made upside-down.

Temporary fixing of the pallet on the block can be made by means of the sealant applied with spots.

Removal and installation of the sensor of level of oil

Details of installation of the sensor of level of oil (3) engines of a series 111

1 — Motive oil

4 — the Sealing ring

Buttering details of installation of the sensor of level the engine of a series 111 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.

Removal and installation of the oil pump

Details of installation of the oil pump of the engine of a series 111


  1. Details of installation of the oil pump of the engine of a series 111 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove the case pallet (see above).
  3. Remove an asterisk (25) of the drive of the oil pump assembled with the chain thrown it.
  4. Turn out fixing bolts (28/28a) and remove pump assembly (24/24a).
  5. Carefully smooth out the interfaced surfaces of the pump and the block of the engine.
  6. Fill pump assembly with fresh oil.
  7. Installation is made upside-down. At installation of the pump of the first version pay attention that two forward bolts (28) are equipped with the directing plugs (27). On pumps of the second version do not forget to replace a sealing ring (29).

The asterisk is established by a ledge to the pump.

Replacement of a chain of the drive of the oil pump

Details of installation of a chain of the drive of the oil pump on the series 111 engine


  1. Details of installation of a chain of the drive of the oil pump on the engine of a series 111 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Empty the cooling system (see the Head of the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases).
  3. Merge motive oil (see the Head of the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases).
  4. Remove the liquid heat exchanger (9).
  5. Remove the pallet of a case (10) (see above).
  6. Remove the oil pump (see above).
  7. By means of special adaptation dismember a chain of the drive of the pump and remove it from the engine.
  8. Remove a driving asterisk of the oil pump (25).
  9. Installation is made upside-down, - for a joint of a chain use special adaptation.

Replacement of retaining valve

Details of installation of retaining valve of the lubrication system of the engine of a series 111


  1. Details of installation of retaining valve of the lubrication system of the engine of a series 111 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Uncover the GRM drive (see the Section Removal and installation of covers of the GRM drive).
  3. By means of nippers (1) take retaining valve (8) from the landing nest in an engine case.
  4. Installation is made upside-down.


Removal and installation of a casing of an oil filter

Details of installation of an oil filter of engines of a series 112 and 113 (on the example of the models equipped with the cooling system fan with the viscous coupling)

6 — the Sealing ring
7 — the Filtering element

8 — the Bolt


  1. Details of installation of an oil filter on engines of series 112 and 113 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove a forward cover of the power unit.
  3. Remove the panel of finishing of the power unit / air cleaner.
  4. Remove ventilatory assembly (1) and a casing of the fan (2), - on models ML 55 AMG and ML 500 remove assembly of the electric fan with a casing.
  5. Turn off a cover (4) casings (5) of an oil filter.
  6. Turn out bolts (9) of fastening of the liquid heat exchanger (3) to a casing (5) of an oil filter.
  7. Remove a casing (5).
  8. Installation is made upside-down.
  9. In conclusion check the level of motive oil, in case of need make the corresponding adjustment (see the Head of the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases).

Removal and installation of the liquid heat exchanger of an oil filter

Details of installation of the liquid heat exchanger of an oil filter on engines of a series 112 and 113 (on the example of the engines equipped with the electric fan of the cooling system)

7 — Sealing elements


  1. Details of installation of the liquid heat exchanger of an oil filter on engines of series 112 and 113 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Perform the procedures described in paragraphs with 1 on 5 points of Removal and installation of a casing of an oil filter adjusted for changes in designations on an illustration.
  3. Merge from a radiator cooling liquid (see the Head of the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases).
  4. Disconnect from the liquid heat exchanger (6) lines of a cooling path (4 and 5).
  5. At the corresponding complete set (model ML 55 AMG and ML 500) remove assembly of the air pump (see the Section Removal and installation of covers of the GRM drive).
  6. Turn out fixing bolts and remove assembly of the heat exchanger (6) from a filter casing.
  7. Installation is made upside-down.
  8. In conclusion make sure of lack of signs of development of leak of cooling liquid.

Removal and installation of the directing tube of the probe of measurement of motive oil

Details of installation of the probe of measurement of level of motive oil on models with engines of series 112 and 113

4 — the Sealing ring

5 — the Sealing washer


  1. Details of installation of the directing tube of the measuring probe on engines of series 112 and 113 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove protection of a case (see the Head Kuzov).
  3. Remove panels of finishing of the power unit / assembly of the air cleaner.
  4. Turn out a bolt (2) fastenings of the directing tube (1) of the probe (3) to a head of cylinders.
  5. Shoot the bandage film (7).
  6. Having pulled up, pick up the phone (1) from the engine.
  7. Installation is made upside-down.

Removal and installation of the pallet of a case

Lower section of the pallet

Details of installation of the lower section of the pallet of a case of engines of series 112 and 113

W11/5 — the grounding Tire an engine/body


  1. Details of installation of the lower section of the pallet of a case on engines of series 112 and 113 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove the panel of finishing of the power unit and the air cleaner (1).
  3. Remove assembly of the fan of the cooling system with the viscous coupling (4).
  4. Turn out bolts (8) and remove a casing of ventilatory assembly (5).
  5. Remove an airchipper (9).
  6. Merge motive oil (see the Head of the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases).
  7. Give nuts (7) of fastening of a forward support of a suspension bracket of the power unit.
  8. Remove the rezonatorny camera (2) with a connecting sleeve (3).
  9. Hang out the engine on the winch.
  10. Turn out fixing bolts and remove the lower section of the pallet of a case (6).
  11. Carefully smooth out the interfaced surfaces.
  12. Installation is made upside-down.

The pallet is installed on sealant which should be imposed a pillow 2.0 wide and 0.5 mm thick.

Top section of the pallet

Details of installation of the top section of the pallet of a case of engines of series 112 and 113


  1. Details of installation of the top section of the pallet of a case on engines of series 112 and 113 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove the lower section of the pallet of a case (1) (see above).
  3. Disconnect an electrical wiring from the sensor of level/temperature/quality of oil (B40).
  4. Having shifted forward, remove the top section of the pallet of a case (3), - in case of need slightly turn a bent shaft.
  5. Installation is made upside-down.

Removal and installation of the sensor of level of oil

Details of installation of the sensor of level of oil on engines of series 112 and 113


  1. Details of installation of the sensor of level of oil on engines of series 112 and 113 are shown on an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove the lower section of the pallet of a case (1) (see above).
  3. Disunite the contact socket (3) electrical wirings of the sensor.
  4. Turn out fixing bolts (2) and remove the sensor of level of oil (S43).
  5. Installation is made upside-down.

Removal and installation of the oil pump

Details of installation of the oil pump on engines of series 112 and 113


  1. Details of installation of the oil pump of engines of a series 112 and 113 are shown on сопр. an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove the lower section of the pallet of a case (1) (see above).
  3. Turn out fixing screws (4).
  4. Take away a natyazhitel of a chain back and remove the last from a driving asterisk of pump assembly.
  5. Remove the oil pump (2).
  6. Check a condition of the mesh filter of a maslozabornik, estimate correctness of landing of the control valve (3).
  7. Fill pump assembly with fresh oil.
  8. Installation is made upside-down.

Removal and installation of the reducing valve of the oil pump


  1. Details of installation of components of the reducing valve of the oil pump on engines of series 112 and 113 are shown on an illustration above (see a round insert) to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove the oil pump (see above).
  3. Turn out a cap and replace components of assembly of the reducing valve.

Replacement of a chain of the drive of the oil pump


  1. Details of installation of the drive of the oil pump on engines of series 112 and 113 are shown on an illustration above to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove the lower section of the pallet of a case (1) (see above).
  3. Remove the top section of the pallet (see above).
  4. Remove assembly of the oil pump (2) (see above).
  5. By means of special adaptation dismember a chain of the drive of the pump and remove it from the engine.
  6. Remove a driving asterisk of the oil pump (25).
  7. Installation is made upside-down, - for a joint of a chain use special adaptation.

Removal and installation of masloraspylitel

Details of installation of masloraspylitel on engines of series 112 and 113


  1. Details of installation of masloraspylitel on engines of series 112 and 113 are shown on сопр. an illustration to which all references which are found in the text belong.
  2. Remove the lower and top sections of the pallet of a case (see above).
  3. Remove the oil pump (see above).
  4. Turn out fixing bolts (2) and remove masloraspylitel (1), - in case of need slightly turn a bent shaft.
  5. Check passability of maslotok, in case of need make their clearing.
  6. Installation is made upside-down, - try not to allow deformations of the giving tubes (3) masloraspylitel (1).