Mercedes M-Class W163

since 1997 release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes W163
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of a class M (W163)
- Governing bodies and methods of safe operation
   First 1500 km
   + Access, protection
   + Elements of security systems
   + Car equipment, arrangement of devices and governing bodies
   + Comfort
   - Methods of operation and auxiliary systems
      General information
      Running in of the new car
      Features of operation of the cars equipped with the three-functional catalytic converter
      Parking of the car
      Start of motion and gear shifting
      Control systems of the speed (Tempostat/Speedtronic)
      Parktronic (PTS) system
      Amplifier of emergency brake application (BAS)
      System of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS)
      Traction control system (4-ETS)
      Electronic antistrange system (ESP)
      Electronic system of distribution of brake forces (EBV)
+ Current leaving and service
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating and air conditioner
+ A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual box of gear shifting
+ Automatic transmission
+ Transmission line
+ Brake and auxiliary systems
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Start of motion and gear shifting

In a driver's foot well there should be no foreign objects capable to limit freedom of movement of pedals! When using emergency rugs or mats it is necessary to provide the sufficient course of pedals.

Full load of the engine has to be given only after preliminary warming up it up to the normal working temperature which during the movement occurs quickly enough.

At start-off from the place on a slippery paving avoid a long provorachivaniye any of wheels as it can lead to damage of the power unit.

Models from 6-staged RKPP

The scheme of gear shifting is applied on the face surface of the handle of the lever of gear shifting.

The scheme of gear shifting on the example of model ML 270 CDI (for turning on of the reverse gear it is necessary to pull previously the lever handle up)

During the movement you make gear shifting according to technical characteristics of transmission, - try not to allow excessive increase in turns. Data on the high-speed modes of gear shifting are provided in Specifications to the present Chapter.

Inclusion of transfer of a backing has to be made only after a full stop of the car, - before inclusion the handle of the lever should be pulled up.

At the movement on a slippery paving it is necessary to avoid braking by transmission as it can lead to loss of coupling of wheels with the road! Remember that braking by the engine is always connected with the sharp increase in its turns fraught with serious internal damages of the power unit.

Models from 5-staged AT

Gear shifting during the movement of the car is made automatically depending on the chosen position of the lever of the AT selector, position of the switch of programs, extent of squeezing of the accelerator pedal and the current speed of the movement.

Switchings of automatic transmission automatically adapt to an individual manner of driving, due to correction of the moments of gear shifting. Process of adaptation goes continuously taking into account the current values of working parameters of the power unit, characteristics of the movement, and also actions of the driver. Reacts to change of characteristics of the movement AT the adapted program of gear shifting.

Before a start of motion squeeze out a pedal of a foot brake for removal of blocking of the lever of the AT selector, then release the parking brake and switch the selector lever to one of provisions of the movement (see below). Wait for full inclusion of transfer (in particular at the cold engine), then release a foot brake and squeeze out the accelerator pedal.

Remember that before final warming up of the engine gear shifting is made at slightly raised turns that provides the accelerated warming up of the catalytic converter up to the normal working temperature.

At the movement it must be kept in mind that easy pressing the accelerator pedal provides earlier switching of transmission to an overgear while by strong pressing of switching occur later.

Squeezing of the accelerator pedal to a floor (with overcoming a point of resistance) leads to automatic switching of AT to a low gear (kickdown mode), providing to the car the increased dynamic qualities. At an otpuskaniye of a pedal there is a return of transmission on higher transfer answering to characteristics of the current high-speed mode.

At a temporary stop you do not bring the selector lever out of situation "D" and by means of the foot or parking brake insure the car from the progress caused by a land relief.

When maneuvering in limited space regulate the speed of the movement by a gradual otpuskaniye of a foot brake. Try to squeeze out slightly the accelerator pedal and not to "play" it.

At towage of the trailer in the hilly area choose the modes of restriction of AT (3 or 2, depending on the steepness of slopes), on especially dangerous sites include the mode of the movement on off road terrain of LOW RANGE.

Provisions of the lever of the AT selector with the electronic selector module equipped with function of consecutive switching of ranges of switching in the D mode - release models from 01.09.99

At the movement on a slippery paving it is not necessary to make braking by transmission due to transfer of the lever of the selector to the modes of limited ranges "3", "2" or "1" as it can lead to loss of coupling of wheels with the road! Remember that braking by the engine is always connected with the sharp increase in its turns fraught with serious internal damages of the power unit.

Information on the chosen position of the lever of the selector is output to the indicator field on the tachometer dial, to the left of the display of hours.

Information on the chosen position of the lever of the selector (in this case - "D") is output to the indicator field on the tachometer dial, to the left of the display of hours

The lever of the selector of ranges of transmission can be in one of eight fixed provisions). Start of the engine is possible only in provisions "P" or "N" of the lever. If the stop is made when AT is in one of ranges of the movement "D", "4", "3", "2", "1", "R", or in the N mode, then it is necessary to release completely the accelerator pedal and to squeeze out a brake pedal for reliable braking of the car.

Provisions of the lever of the selector of ranges of AT (release model from 01.09.99)

When switching AT move the lever along the directing groove. At extraction of a key from the ignition lock the lever of the selector is blocked in situation "P". In this case a lever conclusion from situation "P" is impossible even when squeezing a brake pedal. In order to avoid breakage of AT you transfer the lever to situation "P" only after a full stop of the car.

Extraction of a key from the lock of ignition becomes possible only after transfer of the lever of the selector to situation "P" and otpuskaniye of a pedal of a foot brake.

Standard ranges

Situation "P". In this position of the lever of the selector the blocking of transmission providing additional protection of the parked car is made. Always you transfer the selector lever to situation "P" at switching off or start of the engine. To bring the lever of the selector of ranges out of situation "P", it is necessary to squeeze out a brake pedal, previously having released the accelerator pedal. Reject the selector lever to the right and bring him out of situation "P".

Situation "R". Methods of management of the lever of the selector of ranges at its transfer from situation "P" to situation "R" (Backing) are described above. (Neutral) you make turning on of the lever in situation "R" from situation "N" only after a full stop of the car. If the backing does not join after a full stop of the car, squeeze out a pedal of a foot brake and slowly move the selector lever at first to situation "N", then to situation "R".

Situation "N". Use situation "N" (Neutral) at start of the decayed engine on the run and at short stops of the car with the working engine. If you for any reason need to depart from the car, previously transfer the lever of the selector of ranges to situation "P". At a lever conclusion squeeze out a pedal of a foot brake of situation "N".

Transfer of transmission to situation "N" during the movement is connected with risk of serious internal damages of the transmission! Use this situation only at threat of a drift of the car at the movement on a slippery paving.

Situation "D". In this situation the lever of the selector of ranges has to be constantly at the movement of the car in normal road conditions, - automatic switching of AT between five transfers of the forward course according to changes of the high-speed mode and extent of squeezing of the accelerator pedal is provided. For sharp dispersal of the car during the work of transmission in the range of "D", "4" or "3" squeeze out the accelerator pedal against the stop. At the same time the transmission will automatically switch to adjacent lowest transfer (kickdown mode). If the speed of the car is small, switching can happen on two steps down at once.

On release models till 31.08.99 provisions of restriction of ranges of switching (4, 3, 2 and 1) are also among standard.

Provisions of the lever of the selector of ranges of AT (release model till 31.08.99)

Ranges for the movement in special conditions

At the transmission included in situation "D" the possibility of its switching is provided in ranges for the movement in special conditions ("4", "3", "2" and "1").

Easy push-up of the lever to the left ("D -") leads to transition to the adjacent lowering AT range. When keeping the lever in situation "D-" switching of transmission in range, providing optimum dynamic qualities of the car according to active current transfer is made. Information on change of ranges is output to the indicator field on the tachometer dial, to the left of the display of hours.

At push-up of the lever in situation "D-" during the movement with excessively high speed switching of the mode of transmission is blocked for the purpose of prevention of inadmissible increase in turns of the engine.

Push-up of the lever in situation "D+" leads to transition of transmission in adjacent with flowing higher range. Keeping of the lever in situation "D+" allows to carry out return to the standard D mode.

Situation "4". If the lever of the selector of ranges is included in the provision "4", the automatic transmission functions similar to a case of inclusion of range of "D". Difference consists that transition to the fifth transfer is excluded.

Situation "3". In set the provision in motion of switching of transmission is limited to the third transfer. The mode can be used for braking implementation by the engine. Inclusion of range "3" is useful also for an exception of excess cyclic switchings of automatic transmission between the third and fourth transfers, - similar cyclic switchings of the transmission can be observed, for example, at the movement in a dense transport stream with frequent delays and stops.

Situation "2". At inclusion of range "2" automatic transmission will constantly work at the second transfer. It is recommended to use this restriction at towage of the trailer in the hilly area or for braking implementation by the engine on descent of the considerable steepness. At a car stop the transmission does not pass to the first transfer. Constant inclusion of the second transfer provides good traction dynamics of the car on rises and a possibility of intensive braking with the engine on abrupt descents. Range "2" can be used also at start-off from the place on a slippery paving, or at the movement on deep snow, helping to prevent strong pro-slipping of driving wheels of the car. It is recommended to use range "2" at the movement on abrupt passes, at towage of the trailer in the hilly area, and also for braking by the engine on especially abrupt descents.

Situation "1". At inclusion of range "1" automatic transmission will constantly work at the first transfer. If inclusion of range "1" is made at a speed more than 50 km/h, then transmission at first will switch to the second transfer. Inclusion of an intermediate step allows to exclude sharp and unexpected braking by the engine. The mode can be used at the movement with the trailer on especially abrupt descents and long passes.

Emergency operation

Transition of transmission to emergency operation of functioning is demonstrated by deterioration in dynamic characteristics and refusal of transmission of switchings. The probability of switching to the 2nd transfer or transfer of a backing is not excluded.

In a similar situation it is necessary to stop the movement, to park in the safe place, to transfer the selector lever to situation "P" and to kill the engine.

Having waited for not less than 10 seconds, again start the engine and transfer the selector lever to situation "D" - the 2nd transfer will join. Transfer of the lever to situation "R" leads to inclusion of transfer of a backing.

The car should be driven away immediately on the nearest car repair shop Mercedes-Benz for performing detailed diagnostics of AT and performance of necessary recovery repair.