Mercedes M-Class W163

since 1997 release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes W163
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of a class M (W163)
+ Governing bodies and methods of safe operation
- Current leaving and service
   Active system of the warning of the term of approach planned THAT (ASSYST)
   Schedule of routine maintenance
   General information on settings
   Check of levels of liquids, control of leaks
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure in them, designation of tires and disks of wheels, rotation of wheels
   Replacement of motive oil and oil filter
   Check of the brake system
   Check of a power supply system, replacement of the fuel filter
   Check of a state and replacement of hoses of a motive compartment, localization of leaks
   Check of a condition of multicostal belts of the drive of auxiliary units
   Check of functioning of the cooling system and frost resistance of cooling liquid, liquid replacement
   Check of a condition of system of production of the fulfilled gases
   Replacement and check of the ATF level, replacement of the AT filter
   Visual check of tightness of automatic transmission
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
   Check of a condition of boots of power shafts
   Check of the air conditioning system
   Lubricant of limiters of doors and cylinders of locks
   Visual control of a seat belt and block of a safety cushion
   Check of operability of headlights and horn
   Check of a state and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Check of a condition of the battery, care of it and charging
   Replacement of the saloon filter
   Replacement of brake fluid
   Check and replacement of spark plugs, check of a condition of high-voltage wires (petrol models)
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating and air conditioner
+ A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual box of gear shifting
+ Automatic transmission
+ Transmission line
+ Brake and auxiliary systems
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Check of the air conditioning system


The air conditioning system is under high pressure. Do not try to weaken any connections or to remove system details without preliminary discharge of system. Coolant has to be removed from system in a specialized workshop (the type of the used coolant is given in Specifications). Even after a system discharge when performing any operations with system use goggles.

  1. In order that the air conditioning system functioned regularly, it is necessary to perform the following operations regularly:

    a) Check a condition of a driving belt. At detection of excessive wear or damages the belt needs to be replaced (see the Section Check of a Condition of Multicostal Belts of the Drive of Auxiliary Units).
    b) Check a condition of pipelines of system. Examine them in search of cracks, swellings and consolidations. Examine also nipple connections in search of traces of leaks. At detection of wear tracks, damages or leaks replace the damaged pipeline.
    c) Examine the surface of the heat exchanger located before a cooling system radiator. At detection of pollution of edges, insects, etc. clear the surface of the heat exchanger a special brush or compressed air.

When using compressed air use goggles!

    d) Make sure that the drainage tube of the evaporator is not littered. At the switched-on conditioner from this tube have to exude clear water. For check of purity of a tube enclose the sheet of paper under the evaporator and turn on the conditioner. After some period of time on a leaf water traces have to appear.

  1. Turn on the conditioner at least once a month (even in the winter). If not to use the conditioner long time, it can lead to an exit of consolidations out of operation.
  2. Owing to complexity of system diagnostics and repair have to be carried out at car repair shop.
  3. The lack of coolant is the most probable cause of decrease in overall performance of system. If you noticed sharp decrease in overall performance of system, check amount of coolant in system as follows.
  4. Warm up the engine up to the working temperature.
  5. As the switch choose the lowest temperature of the given air. Include the highest speed of the fan. Open doors (that the system was not switched off after achievement of the required temperature in salon).
  6. At turning on of the compressor its coupling has to publish the heard click, and the central part of the coupling — to rotate. Touch an inlet and exhaust pipe of the compressor. One of them has to be cold, another — is hotter. If you do not feel a difference, the system is faulty. It can be caused as a lack of coolant, and something by another. For elimination of malfunction address on HUNDRED.